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What We Believe


We believe that we are called to change lives through:

1.  Displaying agape love to others.

2.  Teaching and preaching the word of God.

3.  Being a living epistle.



A military unit, acting as one and in agreement to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are recruiting soldiers for the kingdom of God.  Eph.  6:10-20: "Put on the whole armor of God". We aspire to teach and equip others spiritually as soldiers in the army of the Lord.  



To go into the highways and byways reaching the unchurched the Y generation. Creating a  culture in our local assembly, that would minister people of all race and creed.


To build and rebuild people to effectively live a victorious life in Christ. To make disciples, to teach sound doctrine; that the truth will make every person that walk through our sanctuary doors free






We believe the Holy bible was written by men divinely inspired by the Holy  Spirit.  It is the truth without errors and reveals the principle by which God will judge us.  It is the true center of Christian union to believers everywhere.


We believe that there is one true God; existing eternally as creator of mankind, and of Heaven and Earth. We believe in the "Trinity" of our sovereign God existing in three persons:  God the Father as head of the trinity, God the son who is Jesus our savior and God the Holy spirit who is our guide:  all divinely equal, all God.  Gen 1:26 "Let US (trinity) make man in our image and likeness.


We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ: that He (Jesus) was the word made flesh and that he is the mediator between God and man.


We believe that man was created in holiness under the law of his maker: man voluntarily fell from the holy and happy state through the sin of disobedience, thus all mankind became sinners.  By grace through faith, Jesus is the only way by which mankind can be saved from the law of sin and death.  Upon dying in Christ we wake up to eternal life:  those who die without Christ enter into eternal damnation. There is no middle ground.


We believe that according to the gospel of (St. John) subsequent to accepting the gift of salvation, the Holy spirit indwells in a believer: leading and guiding them to all truth.


We believe in the ordinances of the church,  that every believer of Jesus Christ should be baptized in the name of Jesus by submersion of water as an open confession of faith; being partaker's of the Lord's  supper in remembrance of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection.


We believe there is one baptism of the Holy Spirit by fire, and many in fillings. This empowers believers to walk in demonstration of signs and wonders, and is available to all believers; the evidence is speaking in tongues,(Acts 2:4).


We believe that Holiness is a lifestyle of consecration and worship unto God.


We believe in the glorified body resurrection of Jesus Christ; the ascension of Christ, His present intercession at the right hand of God.  Jesus is coming back to earth and his appearance will be personal, visible and pre-millennial.

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2100 Port Malabar Blvd NE, Palm Bay FL 32905

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